It’s Supposed To Be The Queen’s Park

TimeOut magazine has a regular feature where they ask the same question to a driver of a black cab and drivers of a minicab and compare the answer. Last week, the question was, “What bylaw would you introduce if you were mayor?” I enjoyed the black cab driver’s answer:

I’d ban silly American sports from any of the London parks. All those blokes who work in the big banks and corporate firms in the City rent areas of Regent’s Park for their softball games and take up all the space. They all have teams and a league and they go down with their cases of wine and a secretary just to try ot impress them. It’s supposed to be the Queen’s park and you can’t even play a proper game of football without having to worry about a softball hitting you in the face. So you end up being crammed into a corner with all the dog shit.
Frisbee? Well, it’s more of an international sport, isn’t it? All right, they can hav a little corner for Frisbee.