Think of the Children

I’ve just noticed a new feature on Amazon:

“Tag this book for Amazon search.”

It’s a way of telling Amazon, “When people search for a certain phrase, this book should come up in the results.”

So–just to pick a random example–suppose you feel that people who read Harry Potter might also enjoy reading The Government Manual for New Wizards. Yet you know that hundreds of millions of people read the former who have never heard of the latter. Night after night, you lie awake, worrying about the millions of poor lost souls who will never know the simple joy of buying one of my books.

Fortunately, thanks to Amazon’s new feature, you can finally sleep soundly at night. All you need to do is:

1. Go to The Government Manual for New Wizards on Amazon.

2. Scroll down until you see “Help others find this product–tag it for Amazon search”, and click on “suggest a search.”

3. You’ll be taken to a screen that says, “When someone searches for [BLANK] on Amazon, show this product and explanation in the results.” Put “Harry Potter” in the blank. Then answer the question, “Why is this product relevant to Harry Potter?” (You don’t have to be fancy–a few words should be sufficient.)

4. Click “Preview.” Then click “Submit.”

5. Voila! You’ve done your part for the betterment of mankind.

For anybody who does this… thank you in advance!