Congratulations–You Just Won “Website Of The Year”

It’s that time of year when all mankind puts aside its differences and unites in a common pursuit: the making of “10 Best” lists. Cruelly, simple mathematics dictates that most of us will never be on one of these lists.
That’s why I’ve created the handy Automated “Yankee Fog Website of the Year” award.

Just fill in the appropriate information below, click on the button, and you’ll be whisked away to a glorious world where you — yes, you — are more beloved than Google.
Once you’re on that page, don’t forget to click on the link at the bottom to e-mail all your friends about your glorious triumph. And feel free to link to the newly created Website of the Year page from your own page, with a bold announcement about this great honor you’ve just won. I won’t tell.

Your First Name: &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
Your Last Name: &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
Your Website Name: &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
Your Website URL : &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp

Which of the following adjectives would you most like to see used to describe your Website?

4 Responses to “Congratulations–You Just Won “Website Of The Year””

  1. Jacob Sager Weinstein

    Take heart, Glenn. My CGI script might tell everybody they have the best website, but it’s lying to everybody but you.
    (Note to other readers: Remove Glen’s name and replace with your own as appropriate.)

  2. Shinobi

    I always knew my hard work would pay off. It’s so nice to have SOME sort of recognition, even if it’s only from a cgi-script.