Campaign ads

I just saw a very pointed political ad. It points out that the projected budget surplus in 2000 was $2.2 trillion, adding, “That’s $8000 for every American.” But–the ad warns–a president who is willing to squander the surplus and create a deficit puts America’s economy in danger.
The ad was from 2000, of course, and the spendthrift America was being warned about was Al Gore. The thrifty fiscal conservative who could be trusted not to blow through $2.2 trillion was George W. Bush.
Ah, the good old days.

2 Responses to “Campaign ads”

  1. Aaron Vehling

    I wonder why the Kerry campaign didn’t use this ad somehow? I just don’t understand why people can’t see through the hypocrisy?

  2. Jacob

    I think the Bush campaign’s answer would have been the same answer they gave to pretty much any charge of hypocrisy– “9/11 changed everything.”