Munich screeners

Oscarwatch reports that, after some hemming and hawing, Universal is mailing out DVD screeners of Munich to BAFTA voters, but that they’ll arrive too late for the voting deadline, which was noon today.
I made a point of making it to one of the screenings of the movie here in London, but it wasn’t especially well-attended. If it was typical, then Munich won’t be getting the consideration it deserves in the BAFTAs, which would be a pity.

One Response to “Munich screeners”

  1. k

    My copy of Munich arrived eventually. It’s a cinea disc, you’ll be glad to hear. I’ve got nothing against them myself… as long as they work…
    The UK cinea machines are region2. All cinea encoded discs are supposed to be multiregion… but this one isn’t; it’s region1. So it won’t play. So I couldn’t vote for Munich even if I wanted (I was out of the country at the time of the screenings).
    I watched Good Night and Good Luck instead; it was okay.